Block all Advertisements including the ones in the video
using GPT-4.

Use the power of GPT-4 to block ALL ads both outside and inside a YouTube video!

→ Block All Ads

GPT-AdBlocker blocks everything, including but not limited to pre-roll ads, banners, popups, and more.

→ Be secure

GPT-AdBlocker blocks trackers from google analytics and other tracking websites. Stay safe!

→ Super Fast

GPT-AdBlocker is extremely fast, and works in the background. Just toggle and enjoy!

→ Block In-Video Ads

Skipping sponsored content in videos can be annoying. Let GPT-AdBlock do that for you, so you can enjoy your video peacefully!

One extension to rule them all

No need to install a million adblocking extensions. GPT-AdBlocker blocks everything, including YouTube Ads, YouTube sponsored Ads, Ads on websites, trackers, and more!

Features 03

Block all Ads
the smart way

GPT-AdBlocker uses the incredibly powerful GPT-4 to smartly skip advertisements inside YouTube videos.

Feaatures 01

Safe from future chrome updates

GPT-AdBlocker uses manifest version 3, the latest version of the manifest, while other adblockers use manifest version 2, a version that will be deprecated and no longer work in a few months.



Is this extension always accurate?

GPT-AdBlocker uses AI to detect advertisements in videos. While it is very accurate, there might be some errors.

If I don't want the in-video adblocking, can I disable it?

Yes! You can choose to enable the in-video adblocking and the normal adblocking independently.

How do I use this extension?

Simply click the link above and add the extension. Alternatively, go to the chrome web store, search for "GPT-AdBlocker", and add the extension.

Is this extension available for other browsers?

Not yet. We are planning to deploy it to multiple other browsers, so stay tuned!

What all does this extension block?

Everything. All Ads, trackers, banners. Whatever normal AdBlockers can block, we can block, and more!

What are you waiting for?

Get GPT-AdBlocker now!